Melbourne Museum Backyard Spiders School Holiday Program

Little Miss loves the school holiday program 'Backyard Spiders' at the Melbourne Museum. We visited last week and started off making our own spider together with pipe cleaners in the main foyer. We then showcased it on the giant spider web (that older kids can help weave). 

We then checked out the 'Bugs Alive' permanent exhibition which was closed for two days just before the school holiday program opened to include some new improvements (pictured below). 

Lots of spiders and insects on display in the permanent exhibition. Little Miss' favourites (definitely not mine!) are tarantulas especially pressing on the little light switches to look at the tarantulas sleeping. 

After a good look around the 'Bugs Alive' exhibition, we then chilled in the 'Curiosity lounge' where little Miss enjoyed some drawings inspired by looking at insects and spiders through the magnifying glass and reading some insect books.

I was keen to listen to a talk about spiders by the Museum's expert keepers and look at more spiders in jars but little Miss couldn't wait 10 minutes as she was too keen to head to the Children's gallery! That place always keeps her occupied for hours (or until parking runs out and we have to run!).

Backyard Spiders is on at the Melbourne Museum until Sunday 12th April. Love how they are lots of hands-on activities and talks for littles ones these holidays. Lots of opportunities for them to look at and learn about spiders and insects!