Wunderkammer - “The cabinet of wonders”

Wunderkammer is a very quirky exhibition by artist Rod McRae showcasing taxidermied animals in a unique way. Some people might find it confronting and very unusual however little Miss and I enjoyed it. 

The ethically sourced animals were in beautiful condition and they made us think of topical themes like climate change, conservation and relationships between animals and humans. Little Miss was pointing at animals and asking what they were but in no way was she afraid of anything. Her favourite animal was a large male lion on the top floor.

The exhibition is installed over three levels of Melbourne's landmark Victorian heritage Tasman's terrace. You need to walk up stairs to get to the terrace (shown below) and three levels once inside so I wouldn't recommend taking a pram. However, I have checked and you can park your pram in the hallway before you enter the shop. Mothers' groups should call in advance to arrange ample pram parking.

According to Rod McRae, Wunderkammer has broken attendance records at every venue which suggests that people are hungry for art that stirs them and makes them think about their world.

Wunderkammer is on until the 30th April 2015 during weekdays from 10am to 4pm at the National Trust of Victoria's Tasma Terrace, 6 Parliament Place, East Melbourne. (Click on images to view in full size)